Often it’s the little things that annoy us the most when it comes to cleaning your home. But did you know that you don’t always need the top of the line cleaning equipment and chemicals to clean your home?
We’ve compiled a list of our favourite clean ‘hacks’ for the little things around the home.
1. Fed up of streaky mirrors? Rubbing alcohol and a micro fibre cloth are your friends
A dirty mirror can be a real pain, let alone less than pleasant to look in. That’s why you should use this easy quick fix solution to get your mirrors streak free and clean today!
Rubbing alcohol and a micro fibre cloth can make the world of difference when trying to get your mirrors sparkling clean – as well as being cheap and easy to use.
How to get your mirror streak free:
- Start by rubbing off any gunk or grime with rubbing alcohol – that includes water spray, toothbrush splatters and any stray make up dust!
- Next you can use a standard glass cleaner to spray across the mirror
- The key is to then wipe down with a micro fibre cloth using a zig zag movement
2. The best way to get flower vases completely clean
It’s always nice to have fresh flowers around the house – but what happens when the time comes to clean out the vases? If they’re deep, it can be tricky to get them completely clean and they end up looking a little grubby inside.
There’s a solution awaiting you, and here’s what you’ll need:
- A strong magnet
- A sponge to cut
- Scissors
- Needle and thread
Follow these steps to cut your sponge and use it together with the magnet to get your vases back to perfect condition and enjoy your flowers all over again!
3. How to quickly and efficiently clean your pet’s toys
If you have pets, it can be a struggle to keep your home clean. Regularly cleaning your pet’s toys can help things along the way – and you don’t have to use chemicals.
For soft toys – run these through the washing machine. Lightly sprinkle the toys with baking soda before you put them into the machine, and add white vinegar to the rinse cycle.
For hard toys – why not try the dishwasher?
Use vinegar again here – and only wash the toys with other pet equipment rather than your kitchen crockery.
4. Use a toothbrush to clean a shower covered in mildew and grime
Mildew isn’t a good sign and you want to try and prevent it developing into a mould issue as early as possible.
Luckily there’s an easy way to ensure it doesn’t linger and one of the areas you’ll want to target first is probably your shower.
How to remove mildew from your shower:
- Use white vinegar to spray over your shower
- Make sure you cover all the affected areas – from the tiles and walls to the grout between them
- Scrub the mould with a toothbrush – allowing you to reach all the cracks and crevices between tiles.
- Rinse off with water and enjoy a clean shower!
- And you’ll probably want to make sure you throw away that toothbrush when your done…you don’t want to mix it up with your main one!
5. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean your fridge coils
How many times do you use your fridge in day to day life? Too many people neglect the maintenance of their fridge.
It’s pretty likely it’s one of your most used appliances so you’ll want to do everything you can to keep it in tip-top condition.
If you want to clean the fridge coils, you’ll need your vacuum cleaner, a small brush and a rag.
How to clean your fridge:
- Always unplug your refrigerator and move it away from the wall before you start cleaning
- Find the coils – these will either be on the back or on the bottom. If they’re on the bottom cleaning can be harder but it’s not impossible (you’ll probably just need to remove the front plate)
- Use the brush attachment on your vacuum to hoover out those coils – you’ll be amazed at how dirty they are! The small brush is useful for bits of dirt that seem to refuse to come off.
6. Do your hairbrushes need a bit of TLC? Here’s how to revamp them
People spend lots of money on having their hair cut, coloured or styled – but what about keeping your hairbrushes in good condition?
If yours have been a bit abandoned, don’t panic as there’s an easy way to revive them quickly.
Simple steps for cleaning a hairbrush with baking soda:
- Remove all of the hair from the bristles of your brush
- Make a solution of baking soda and water.
- Put the brush into this with the head completely covered.
- Let the brush soak for up to 1 hour then rinse it thoroughly with hot water.
7. Use dryer sheets to wipe down your skirting boards
This is really simple to do – and it’ll make a difference to a part of any room that you probably didn’t realise had become so dirty.
All you need is standard dryer sheets that you’d usually put in with your clothes.
You’ll just use this as you would a duster and suddenly the skirting or base boards in your home will look as good as new again!
Even better, dryer sheets help to repel dirt and stop dust from returning to the boards!
8. Use home-made slime to clean your computer keyboard
You probably use your computer keyboard every day – when you’re eating, cooking or in bed. This means it can get pretty dirty and every so often it’s really good to give it a proper clean up.
One of the best things to use? Homemade slime!
How to make homemade slime:
You’ll need 4 ingredients:
- Water
- Glue
- Borax
- Food colouring (optional)
The slime works when you press it into the cracks in your keyboard and allow it to pick up tiny bits of dust, lint or crumbs that you otherwise couldn’t reach!
9. Clean up your shower curtain using salt!
Many people forget about cleaning their shower curtains and mildew is quick to build up. This can make shower curtains, which are often white, appear shabby and old – so you’ll want to get them clean fast.
Did you know that you can actually stop mildew from returning by soaking your shower curtain in salt water – giving it an instant layer of mildew resistance.
All you need to do is wash your shower curtain in the usual way then soak it for approximately 3 hours in salt water before hanging it out to dry thoroughly.
10. Want an efficient way to clean your ceiling fan? Try a pillow case
Ceiling fans can be tricky to reach and as a result they often get missed when you’re dusting or cleaning your home. To keep them working efficiently though you want them to be in the best state possible – so here’s how to clean and maintain your ceiling fan, by using a pretty novel method!
- Always make sure the fan is turned off before you start to clean
- Spray a solution of water and 2 tablespoons of white vinegar inside a pillow case
- Put the pillowcase onto each blade and wipe it clean simply by trapping the dust inside the case!
11. Use a tennis ball to remove scuff marks
If you’ve got hardwood floors, you may find scuff marks an issue – especially if you or your guests have been wearing black soled shoes. Want to know how to get rid of these quickly using something a little unexpected? Try a tennis ball!
How does it work?
The surface of a tennis ball is thick felt, which is an excellent material for removing the scuff marks. It’s also non-abrasive and won’t damage expensive wood floors. For an even more efficient clean, you can put the tennis ball on the end of a broom by cutting a small cross into the surface and inserting the broom handle in.
12. Make sure you melt crayon marks on a wall before scrubbing
It happens to most parents – that moment when you see crayon marks on your nicely painted walls. Don’t despair though, there’s an easy way to start off the process of cleaning them up!
All you’ll need is:
- A hairdryer
- Paper towel or a cloth
- Soap and water
Use your hair dryer to blow hot air directly onto the crayon marks. This makes the wax heat up and it’ll start to melt – which makes it easier to wipe away with the soap and water.
13. Use a lint roller to get your screen door clean
Screen doors play a vital role, but they often get forgotten about when it comes to cleaning. You’ll be amazed at what you find when you come to clean your screen door – from bug parts to pollen and everything in between!
If you’re keen to clean your screen doors regularly then you might want to invest in a screen cleaner brush but if it’s just going to be during your spring clean, follow these instructions:
- Make sure your screen door or window is open
- Roll the lint roller over the screens gently
- When the lint roller is dirty, remove it carefully
- For high areas and spaces, use a paint roller with a lint roller refill on to help reach
14. Line the shelves in your fridge with cling film
It’s easy to forget about cleaning the shelves of your fridge. You throw food in quickly when you’re unpacking your supermarket bags, or storing leftovers from your dinner. Yet drips of food and crumbs can quickly build up and you need to make sure the shelves of your fridge stay clean for longer.
Why not consider using cling film on the shelves? You simply cut pieces of cling film to an appropriate size and lay these over the glass or plastic shelves. Simply remove when dirty and replace – easy!
15. Get a pastry brush to clean your toaster perfectly
Toasters are notoriously difficult to clean, and they’re often full of crumbs. This can not only affect their efficiency in getting your morning toast perfect, it can also become dangerous.
Never be tempted to use a knife or fork in your toaster and certainly never use a metal appliance such as a skewer. Instead, try and clean your toaster properly using a pastry brush.
The best pastry brush to use is a wooden one although plastic ones may be more flexible.
16. Triple line your kitchen bin
Kitchen bins can get super smelly. They also easily fill up with scraps of leftover food that escape the bin bag so it’s really important that you check them thoroughly each time you change the bin.
Have you considered triple lining your kitchen bin? This gives the advantage of extra protection against anything inside the bag from seeping out and staining or being absorbed into the bin itself. It could really be this simple – a few extra layers to make sure your kitchen bin always smells fresh and clean.
17. Keep kitchen sponges clean and hygienic using a bulldog clip
Kitchen sponges are something you probably use every day – but how on earth do you make sure that they stay clean? It’s really important to ensure that they don’t get smelly as this probably means they’re also storing up bacteria, which you could then be spreading around your kitchen.
Ever thought of using a simple office essential? The bulldog clip could be your answer.
- Make sure your sponges are clean to begin with
- Soak sponges in lemon juice and water
- Place in the microwave for one minute
- Clip the bulldog clip to the bottom of the sponge and use the metal clips as a stand.
18. Burnt pans? Get them clean with rhubarb
We’ve all done it – burning your dinner or cooking something in the oven for just that little bit too long can result in burnt pans. Amazingly, there’s a very natural (and cheap) way to get these stubborn stains off and clean your pans quickly.
If you’re keen to avoid chemical cleaners and products, just follow these few steps:
- Chop some rhubarb into small pieces
- Place it in the pan with some water
- Boil in the pan for approx. 10 minutes until you have a paste
- Rinse with clean water
19. Use vinegar to eliminate cooking smells
Cooking smells can really spread around your home and permeate into fabrics from soft furnishings to drying clothes. With certain foods, it’s often really tricky to get rid of the cooking smells and you’re left with them lingering for days on end.
Luckily there are a few ways to help naturally get rid of cooking smells. One of the most effective tools is actually one of the simplest – white vinegar.
- Fill a glass dish with water and half an inch of white vinegar
- Place in the kitchen or any room that smells until odours disappear.
20. Pick up broken glass with bread
If you’ve smashed a glass or item of crockery, you’ll naturally be concerned about whether or not you’ve managed to pick up every last piece. Have a look at this quick video to see how you could be using one of your essential food items to help in the task.
Simply use a piece of bread like a sponge to go over the entire surface where the glass may be lurking. Always put the piece of bread in a bag or separate to any other food items immediately and seal it to avoid any leakage.
21. Clean your toilet with cola! Yes, really.
You may think you’ve read this wrong but no, it’s true, you really can get a sparkling toilet by cleaning it with cola. The acids in the cola will help to break down stains meaning that your toilet returns to (close to) its original state quicker.
- Get a full can of cola and open it carefully
- Pour it around the rim of the toilet
- Ensure the bowl is fully coated
- Let the cola sit for approx. 1.5 hours
- Scrub with a toilet brush and flush away
22. Mucky taps? Just reach for the toothpaste
Watermarks on chrome taps in your bathroom can seem impossible to remove. Ironically, the answer could be sitting right next to them – a tube of toothpaste! Amazingly toothpaste can be used for a variety of cleaning options aside from just your teeth!
Ideally, you’ll want to use an old toothbrush to apply the toothpaste evenly over the taps. Let this sit overnight if possible or for a few hours at least. Then rinse and admire your sparkling taps!
23. Soap and water: the perfect combination to clean your blender
Do you make your morning smoothie in a blender? Or do you enjoy creating home made soups by whizzing up veggies in it instead? Whatever your blender is used for, it’s often quite hard to get completely clean. Many people complain of staining and small pieces of food that get stuck on the sides of a blender.
The answer is simple. Just use soap and water. All you’ll need is 30 seconds to simply fill the blender with water and dish soap, turn it on and then rinse afterwards.
24. Use rice to clean fiddly shaped bottles and vases
Sometimes the prettiest bottles and vases can turn out to be the hardest to clean. Rest assured, there’s an easy answer and it involves using one of your kitchen staples – dry rice.
- Pour some dry rice into the bottle or vase using a funnel if you need
- Add some warm water and a few drops of washing up liquid
- Screw the lid back on and shake
- Rinse out and enjoy your clean bottles and vases!
25. Get your BBQ clean with an onion!
We all know that summer is the time for al fresco dining and barbeques with family and friends. Yet it can be a messy business getting your grill clean again after a meat feast. Many people are reluctant to put heavy chemicals or cleaning products on their barbeques after use, and with good reason.
Amazingly, one of the most effective ways to clean your barbeque may just be in your fridge right now – an onion. Here’s how to use it:
- Halve the onion
- Heat up your grill so that it’s burning hot
- Spray lemon juice onto the grates of your grill
- Use a skewer or grilling fork and pop it into the onion
- Scrub the onion face down on the grill
- Remove all grime and food gunk