What’s Hiding in Your Carpets and Upholstery?
Why would you need ‘carpet steam cleaning near me?’ Well, have you ever walked into a room and just felt the weight of the air around you? This is due to circulation of dust and allergens. You might experience itchy/watery eyes, coughing and sneezing, or even end up with congestion that impacts the usual ease of breathing. Particularly if you’re allergy prone or have a respiratory condition like asthma, you will feel these effects ten-fold, and the standard routine vacuum doesn’t make the cut.
Another major concern is bacteria that lives in your carpet, with numbers reaching up to 200,000 per square metre—more than a toilet seat! This will vary depending on factors like whether you have children, pets, and wear your outdoor shoes inside. But nonetheless, it’s an issue that needs to be addressed with carpet steam cleaning near me to optimise the health of your loved ones.